Alright I know this is late (very late) we went on a trip to Idaho for Graduations of 2 great people. My neice Tiffanie and my Nephew Dillon. It was great fun. We went in May. On the 24th through the 29th.
We left on Tuesday, May 24th around 7:30 am. It is an 8 hour drive plus the stops. we made 3 stops ont he trip there. Which I wills ay is pretty good since we had 3 little ones with us. It was Mom, me and the kiddos. Jaymes sadly had to work. So we were lucky enough to rent a fantastic Van it was a 2011 Dodge Grand Caravan, with a built in DVD player and flip down screen. LIFE SAVER! the kids watched movies the ENTIRE way there. Sadly we had to listen to the movies because we didn't think to bring headphones for the kids. No big deal. It was fun to picture the shows while driving. Mom and I got to talk and it was a good day of driving. We got to Bliss around 6:30 (I think) and my sister Anjie got us a hotel room for 3 nights. It was good. We got settled in the room and had a snack. We also watched American Idol because it was the final week for it. then it was bed time.
The Van.
My view of the inside of the van.
Love the DVD player.
On Wednesday we had no plans until that night at 4:30pm so we found things to do and people to visit. We ended up visiting my Aunt Edie at work and then headed into Twin for breakfast and visiting. We met picked Jim up and went to breakfast at IHOP. It was good. Then we went to the car wash. It was one of those that pulls you through. Man it was AWESOME! the kids LOVED it. But then this lady in front of me was freaking out when she got out of the car wash. She stopped right in front of the exit and cars started gettint backed up. I was afraid one was going to hit me. She got back in her car and came we moved out of the way. Then she walked up to my van like it was my fault and said there was a bucket under my car. Yea it is My fault that the bucket was in the car wash and my van happened to run it over while being pulled along on a pully. DUH! So the guy got it out and we went and vaccumed the van out for free. It was great not to have a limit on how ling you can vaccum for. So after that we went to the Mall and I bought some spray from Victoria Secret. Then we found a park and let the kids run. We also put gas in. Finally it was time to take Jim home and we headed to the pool for the party. We got to go swimming at Slager's. it was so fun with the kids and my family. Anjie, Jim, Tiffanie, and James. My Mommy and I had such fun in the nice warm water. Then it was time to head back the hotel and watch American Idol. we got to see it and Biggest Loser. It was great. We finally went to bed and got ready for the next day.
a lemon for breakfast.
this Slide was very tall and FAST
Loving the park
No time for a picture. I am playing!
We love the pool
Kyle loved the ball.
Adam was ready to run to the bathroom here but Aunt Anjie had to get a picture of him first.
On Thursday we got up and relaxed the hotel room, then headed out and did a little shopping in thrift stores. This day was Lydia's actual birthday. We got her some pj's, pants and a pair of shoes. Then we headed to another store and Adam took in his transformer without us knowing. Then when we left he remembered he left it there. We dropped my Sister off at her car and headed back to the store Luckily we found it. I had a melt down then. I hate it when the kids take things in the stores because they ALWAYS put the item down to look at others. But we got it back and it all worked out. Then we visited Aunt Edie at her home and had dinner with her. It was great to catch up and get dressed there for Tiffanie's graduation. Aunt Edie was surprised that I got myself and 3 kids dressed and ready to go in under 30 minutes. Hey this is SUPERMOM we are taking about here. LOL...Anyway then we left for the graduation and made it in time to get in our seats and the kids to get a little cranky before the ceremony. The ceremony was short and sweet. Then we left and relaxed at the hotel. A great day all in all.
Aunt Edie and Lyle
Me and Lydia
Tiffanie walking across the stage
Kyle all handsome (Adam was not interested in a picture)
Friday we left the hotel and headed to Lena's in Paul. We had to get there and buy decorations for the party the next day. We got to Paul and went to Lena's she was not home but we got to sit with Mike and talk until we had to meet Lena at the dollar store. We shopped a bunch and then got pizza for lunch. Soon it was time to get ready for Dillon's graduiation from Minico High School. (my old high school) It was cool to see the place and some people I knew. Mom, the kids and I sat in the auditorium because they had to move the ceremony indoors because of RAIN. Go figure. It was actually better since Kyle fell asleep shortly after the ceremony began. I got a good picture of Dillon and after he got his diploma cover. Then we headed back to Lena's house to have dinner and relax. Finally bed time came and we got little sleep cuz Lydia was up a lot. oh well that is life with a 1 year old.
Dillon before graduation
Adam hanging out on the couch
Dillon walking across the stage
Dillon and his mommy Sheri.
Saturday finally came, we had a Fantastic breakfast with Lena, Mike and Dillon. Then Lena and Mike got the garage all decorated and we visited my Daddy's grave site and Dee's grave site. It was nice to put flowers out there for Memorial Day. This was the first time I had gotten to do that. Then we headed back to Lena's and finished decorating and the kids played out in the backyard. Finally the party started and we had food and cake. Lydia got a whole cake for her and Dillon and I got our names on a cake since I graduated from College this year. it was cool. I got to open Lydia's gifts and Dillon opened his. Then it was time to visit. I got to see all my nieces and nephews from my Dad's side of the family and it was cool. Too bad they are all teenagers and think they are too cool to hang out with there Aunt Chelly. LOL. Well then they all left and we got to relax. Then my good friend Sarah and I got to go out to a bar and have a drink together. It was great to talk with her and enjoy a little time away from the kids (they were sleeping). We only stayed out for around an hour and enjoyed 2 drinks and 2 shots of Apple Pie. Man it was good. Then I got back to Lena's house and bugged the people that were there. LOL. Then I went to bed and we got up super early for our Sunday drive home.
My Daddy's resting place.
Dee's resting place
Dee's house. Lots of memories in that land.
me with 3 of my sisters.
Lydia got her own cake.
Sheri and I
Me and Sarah after our drinks.
On Sunday we left Lena's house about 7:45. We made it to Kara's house just in time for breakfast. It was so good to see her and her Lovely family. Sadly it was raining and we needed to hit the road before it got even worse. also Kara and the family had to get ready for Church. We set out and decided to stop at the Hoogle Zoo in Salt Lake (weather permiting). well the weather held out and we got to walk the whole Zoo before it started to rain again. It took us 3 hours to walk the zoo and it was good for the kids to get the exercise because they all crashed shortly after. We drive the remaining 5 hours home and got to relax and cuddle with Jaymes. Adam stayed up the entire ride home and to Idaho. By the time we got home Adam was asleep and Jaymes carried him in. He did not get up until around 9am on Monday morning.
The kids at the zoo.
Adam and Kyle at the zoo
It was such a great trip and I loved visiting all my family. But it was so nice to get home to my warm desert. It was so cold in Idaho the entire time we were there. I loved coming hom to my shorts and tank tops just as much as I loved visiting everyone.
Until next time.