Ok yeah I know I am a little late on starting this whole blogging thing but you know what better late than never...Anyway...for my first post I am going to tell everyone about me and my wonderful family..
My name is Michelle and I am married to Jaymes we were married on April 21, 2006 in Las Vegas...I know what you are thinking..ha Vegas...you eloped...NO Quite the opposite we planned every second of our wedding we WANTED to get married in our homw town of Mesquite but none of the churches would let us until we were a part of their church for 6 months first...That was just not an option..I got pregnant in feb 2005 so we already had our little man and were ready to be married NOW. So we planned our wedding and it was great...Jaymes has his mom, dad, brother, grandma, other grandma, sister Glady (maid of honor), cousin, aunt and Steve (best man) there... for me ther was my mom, step-dad, best friend Ashlee, two co-workers and my wonderful baby boy Adam...so i had like on one there for me..it was supposed to be MY day and it was far from that...
It was nice though nice pictures and nice people.. the reception was good but kinda snoozer...I have no pictures of it because Jaymes's Aunt Jessie has them all..and of course lost them...so it is like it didn't even happen... I am glad to be married to such a great guy and wonderful Dad I just wish my wedding day was more for me and about me than it was...
So we have been married for 3 years now since then we have lived in a few houses...one that I LOVED!!!!! But it was so expensive. than one that the landlord lived in the house next door...it sucked! We could not do anything...we also lived with Jaymes's parents for 2 weeks...that was a very long two weeks for us all there were 8 people living in a 3 bedroom house...not my idea of fun...We now live in a three bedroom, two bath house with a garage. It is great. The landlord is great...We have lived 1.5 years we love it but will have to move in January for a house with a bigger yard...the yard here is super small...not even any grass.
On our children...we were blessed with a wonderful baby boy on October 24, 2005 he weighed 6lbs 15oz. and was 21 inches...We named him Adam Jay...he is wonderful...he was a chuncky little baby and has progressed into a great little man...(that is what I call him) Little Man! he is now 3.5 years old and has his own little personality...he has a hard time with the beginning of words but he is seeing a speech theripist for that problem...he will also start preschool this year. I am hoping to take him to the Sunshine Academy it is kind of expensive...but there is also a public preschool that he qualifies for becauce he is behind. Not potty trained and hard time with communication are things they look at...But we will get through it and he will be a wonderful kid as the years go on..
We decided in the spring of 2007 that we were ready for another baby so we stopped birth control in April and got prgnant in August. I was due on Mother's day May 11, 2008. We were told in three ultrasounds that we were having a little girl...So we had a baby shower where I got all PINK things and we only had a girls name picked...Lydia Gwen... So it came to April and my mom was moving and my husband would not be able to get time off in the week that my Doctor expected me to have our little GIRL...so my friend who is a nurse had me come in on the evening of April 27th and she checked me...well my water broke right then so we were on our way at 9:30 pm...I was induced and she got all the stuff ready for little Lydia...3 am cam around and I was ready to push! so I waited until 3:30 is start pushing. tried once and then had to stop and wait for the doctor...I had the epidural so it was not a painful wait...he got there and my friend Angee timed it from the time the Doctor walked in to the time the baby was born was 7 minutes...crazy right...anyway at 3:51 am on April 28, 2008 We had a wonderful little BOY!!! I know right...I said girl at the beginning...well they were WRONG!!!! I looked down as everyone told me how cute she was and I said, "That looks like a boy to me!" and sure enough we had another little boy. So we all thought about names and my mom went home and washed the boy clothes that were tucked aways in the gargae from Adam...We named our new little man Kyle Jaymes... he was 6lbs. 14oz and 21inches...only an ounce off his brother's weight!
Now he is 13 months and running his self down the hall...he loves his food and loves to cuddle...He plays with his brother and makes me laugh on a daily basis...
My children are my life and I woudl not change a thing about them...
~Jaymes and I have decided to stop taking birth control next month to try for our little girl...we will not be disappointed if we have another boy but would love to use all those cute little dresses we got last year...
I am a stay at home mom and a student...my Husband Jaymes is the seafood manager at Smith's here in town...things are good for us...My mom lives in Burley, Idaho and Jaymes family lives about 1.5 miles away! We like it but hope to soon move on to bigger and better things..
I am going to be a teacher and can not wait for my opportunity to educate the future leaders of our country...
That is about all I can say about me and my life thus far...I lived in Idaho most my life until I moved here...I hated the move but it turns out to be the best move ever...Everyone have a great day and see you on the next blog. I will update often...pictures will come tonight or tomorrow!
Bye for now
Never Say Never – The Foley Fam Move
5 years ago
this is great! love it and you!