Well, I have not been updating this page as often as I would like. But I am going to try to update it more often. So since my last post in August a few things have happened. So I will go by month and let you know what has been going on in the Dalton Life!
End of August 2010
Michelle and Jaymes both started school and things have been crazy ever since. Also my mom moved back so she could be my babysitter while I am in class, because day care for 3 kids is very expensive. Kyle is turning into such a big boy and great big brother. Adam has been to the dentist and we planned a surgery day for him to have his teeth taken care of.
September 2010
Adam had surgery on his teeth on the 1st and had his front 2 teeth pulled due to an infection that was headed to his adult teeth. Then he was going to start school. But on the first day he didn't want me to leave him there. Then the second day I stayed awhile and then left and he got in trouble for throwing a crayon. So he was no longer able to attend the preschool. I started teaching him at home on Mon, Wed, and Fri. It is hard to do but I try my best to teach him the things that he needs to learn to get ready for Kindergarten. In September Kyle began to talk a lot better. We can actually understand the things he is saying. Miss Lydia learned to roll over and we can't keep her in the same spot. She loves to move.
October 2010
Wow, October already. Well this month was Adam's birthday(24th) and we had a party on the 17th. My brother and his family came down and we went to Vegas for a day of fun. I continued going to school every tuesday and Thursday. It is fun but starting to get annoying I guess I just need a little more motivation. Halloween was fun, we trunk or treated on the 30th. and then went trick or treating on the 31st. Adam was Optimus Prime. Kyle was Bumblebee and Miss Lydia was Little Miss Muffet. I was the spider that scared her away..lol...not much else has happened...but we all got the flu on the 24th. It sucked but we are all better now and enjoying our days. Oh and Jayme started a new job, at a golf course. The thing he loves to do...School is going good for both of us and we are preparing for next semester.
That is about it for now. I will be updateding this page more often now. I am finally getting on a schedule that I can function with. Just took some time to figure it all out. With 3 kids things take a little longer. Have a great day everyone and thanks for reading.
Never Say Never – The Foley Fam Move
5 years ago
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