Well since my last post not too much has been happening...Just the normal everyday stuff...I did have a week of extreme cleaning which I posted on my other blog...It was great fun...But here is what has been happening...
We have had a few family dinners...which are great fun for everyone...
Jaymes has been working like usual and studying for his GED test on the 24th...hopefully he does good and will only have to retake a few sections...He has applied and registered for college classes and his classes start on the 30th. He is getting very excited for the rims that he will be getting for his car. Also loving every minute he gets to spend with the kids..Lydia just lights up his day...And he said he would not treat her any different than the boys...haha yea right.
Michelle. that's me...Well I have kept busy...doctor appointments, shopping, house cleaning, cooking, baking, and just taking care of and playing with the kids...I did get pictures printed of Lydia's birth so that I can scrapbook the important dates in our lives...I also went to Glady's house for some scrapbooking fun...but only got 2 pages done because of my lack of prints at that time. School starts for me on the 23rd and I am getting very excited. This year is going to be quite different I will actually go to class and and that is different for me.
Adam is getting so big and learning a lot of new things. He will start preschool on the 8th of September he is getting so excited. he will learn so much and have so much fun...on the 26th we have a meet and greet with his teacher and classmates. how darn fun. On the 1st of September he will be having surgery on his teeth. which is just a normal visit but he has to be put to sleep to get a few things done. like fillings and xrays. It will be great. Adam will be 5 in October. We went and saw Toy Story 3 and Adam loved it except he cried when the toys were in trouble. It was a good movie. and Adam is excited to buy it when it comes out on DVD.
Kyle is learning so quickly. He is talking a ton and hopefully this next weekend I can get him potty trained...it will be wonderful to only have to change one diaper in the family. and it will be great for him to be such a big boy and pee pee in the potty. He is getting so big I can't wait for him to start talking more clearly. He loves to color and play with his cars. He also loves his new buzz lightyear and woody dolls. After we saw Toy Story 3. That was his first movie ever...and he did great.
Lydia is growing so fast. She is cooing a bunch now and loves to smile a lot. Some days she is cranky but she is a baby what can we expect...she hates having a dirty diaper and is not too fond of being left alone. even if I am just going to the bathroom, or into the kitchen to make food..she has to see me to be happy...Which is a big annoying but I love her I give in and take her with me instead of letting her chill in her bounce chair...I am going to be getting her a swing next week so that she can have a different place to hang out while I do homework and stuff.
Well that is about it up until the 14th. wow...I need to remember to post everyweek because this was a long post and I am sure I missed some stuff but oh well you got the summary of the last 3 weeks.
Never Say Never – The Foley Fam Move
5 years ago
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