Alright...An update for this blog...
September 2009
Well this month Jaymes lost his job and we found out that we were expecting our third child...I was in school and excited to see New Moon...My plans to go to the premiere in LA were cancelled because of money issues. Our third child was due on June 13, 2010
October 2009
This money went by without anything too exciting except for Adam turned 4 on the 24th and the Halloween...The weather was nice on Halloween and the kids enjoyed trick or treating...Adam was bumble bee and Kyle was a wizard...
November 2009
NEW MOON is what happened this month. Jaymes still not able to find a job but things are going very good. Pregnancy was sucky...loots of crazy stuff this pregnancy.
December 2009
Just Christmas and the end of the semester for school...We had a lot of fun shopping for the kids and each other...The Kyle finally understood that gifts are GREAT!
January 2010.
School starts up again, and i got my first ultrasound for this pregnancy but we were unable to see the sex of the baby...
Febrary 2010
A great man died on Valentines day...Dee Burget...i took a bus to Idaho and back while pregnant...the bus broke down only 2 hours from my house...luckily they were able to get it fixed quickly...The drive back was good and it was snowing here at home when I got back.
March 2010
My mom came through here on her way to Arkansas and i had an ultrasound in Vegas. We found out that we were having a GIRL! then mom left and life continued as normal.
April 2010
Kyle turned 2 this month on th 28th. we had a nice Family get together at the park and Kyle had a ton of fun. More job searching happened this month and a few interviews.
May 2010.
Jaymes's birhtday was an eventful one..He got hired and started work on his birthday...Then we had twinkies with candles in them like he wanted...Also had 2 baby showers this month...One on the 1st in Vegas and one on the 15th at my house for my friends here in town...They were both great...
On the 25th of May I went in for my normal weekly appointment for this pregnancy and my pulse was 140 so the doctor sent me to the hospital..I stayed over night and had a ton of tests done on my heart and cardiac enzymes to make sure there was not some underlying conditions we needed to worry about..there was not...The doctor that was filling in for my doctor was headed up to discharge me and I really didn't want to leave the hosptial without having my baby...I would have ended up coming back in a few days to a week anyway. So before the Doctor got there I told my nurse Sallie that I was feeling extra wet down there....So she checked for amniotic fluid and it was positive...So when the Doctor walked in she showed her the test stick and the Doctor said to start pitocin and rupture the bag of water to get thing that is what happened...I was induced on May 26th around 130 pm. We delivered a beautiful baby girl @ 918pm. She weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz. and was 20 inches long...We named he Lydia Gwen.
Lydia was not due until June 13th...but we are very happy she came early.
We came home from the hospital on the 28th and went to Shannon and Dj's for a BBQ for Memorial Day.
June 2010
We have just kind of been keeping in the house it is sooo darn hot here...I am trying to get organized with Blogs, Project 365 and life with 3 children under the age of 5...but I am doing pretty good....We just had a great Father's Day yesterday with yummy food that I made...The next thing is a baby shower on Saturday for Teisha and then next week on the 29th at 1030pm I will be standing in line for Twilight Saga:Eclipse...We have our tickets and are very excited to see it. I will see it with Angee, Mama T, and Chelsea...the Midnight movie...
I will update this page every week on Sunday...Unless some kind of even is happening...then I will post that night or the next day...with pictures...I am excited to keep this page updated for family so that they can see what is going on in our lives and see the Children grow.
Love to you all!
Never Say Never – The Foley Fam Move
5 years ago