Friday, July 23, 2010

July 12 thru July 23rd.

So things have been kind of quiet around here. Here is what everyone has been doing.

    Working and playing games on the computer.  We had dinner with the family on the 21st and Jaymes helped his family fix the probably with the messy pool at their house.  Plus he has helped me with the children.

     Well I have been taking care of the children, the house and making sure we have food and clean clothes.  Also I have been working out to try and lose this baby weight...It is hard to stay on schedule when I have nights where Lydia will not sleep and then I sleep all morning to make up for the sleep I missed the night before.  But I am doing pretty good...Not a lot happening with me.

    Is recooping from a sunburn and has been kind of cranky.  We are working with him on his alphabet and I am trying to teach him how to write his name.  Just want him to learn before school which, for him, will be Fall of 2011...He has also been carrying this book around for the is a coloring book.

    Has been talking more and more these days...He loves to help me clean and help with Lydia...He likes to draw on himself with anything he can manage to get a hold of.   We keep the pens up so he can't get to them.
Everytime I bring out the camera he is all smiles and excited to let you take his picture.

   Well Lydia is 8 weeks old now and very smiley.  She is cranky sometimes but that is to be expected.  Once she had her first smile on July 5th, she has been smiling up a storm since.  She is growing but still a little bit small for her 0-3 month clothes.  And getting too big for the newborn size.  So we are putting clothes that are too big on her...and ones that are nice a snug.  She is so darn cute.

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