Friday, July 23, 2010

July 12 thru July 23rd.

So things have been kind of quiet around here. Here is what everyone has been doing.

    Working and playing games on the computer.  We had dinner with the family on the 21st and Jaymes helped his family fix the probably with the messy pool at their house.  Plus he has helped me with the children.

     Well I have been taking care of the children, the house and making sure we have food and clean clothes.  Also I have been working out to try and lose this baby weight...It is hard to stay on schedule when I have nights where Lydia will not sleep and then I sleep all morning to make up for the sleep I missed the night before.  But I am doing pretty good...Not a lot happening with me.

    Is recooping from a sunburn and has been kind of cranky.  We are working with him on his alphabet and I am trying to teach him how to write his name.  Just want him to learn before school which, for him, will be Fall of 2011...He has also been carrying this book around for the is a coloring book.

    Has been talking more and more these days...He loves to help me clean and help with Lydia...He likes to draw on himself with anything he can manage to get a hold of.   We keep the pens up so he can't get to them.
Everytime I bring out the camera he is all smiles and excited to let you take his picture.

   Well Lydia is 8 weeks old now and very smiley.  She is cranky sometimes but that is to be expected.  Once she had her first smile on July 5th, she has been smiling up a storm since.  She is growing but still a little bit small for her 0-3 month clothes.  And getting too big for the newborn size.  So we are putting clothes that are too big on her...and ones that are nice a snug.  She is so darn cute.


So the children were with Shannon and Dj on the 11th while Jaymes and I had a nice day together...While there they swam, had McDonald's and played outside.  Also watched movies.

So when they got home both of them were sunburnt but Adam was the worst.  Even with Sunblock his little back was bright red and his shoulders were even brighter.

I didn't think anything of it just a sunburn.  So I put aloevera on him, feed him dinner, and sent him off to bed.  the next day we all went to the store and he was fine.  Then Monday night I looked at his back when he came to me complaining that it hurt, and there were blisters on his shoulders.  Not just one or two but like 6 little and a huge one on the left shoulder and a kind of big one and 3 small ones on the right shoulder.  So I get him to let me clean his back up and put atuff around the blisters but not on them. 

The next day he got up and all the blisters were popped...there was gunk everywhere...So we cleaned him up in the shower and got Shannon to bring over vaseline.  He let me put some on him as long as he got a popsicle after words.  so things were good...As the days progressed he did not wear a shirt and we all stayed home while we nursed his sundburn.

Come the 16th things were peeling and scabbing...just a mess all around.


Then a few days later he looked like this. 
Made me feel so bad that she had these little scabs all over his shoulders.
Things are about 100 times better now...I didn't get a picture of them but his shoulders are all pretty once again.  He only has a little bit of peeling left and all the scabs have healed.  Almost 2 weeks later but finally we can do fun things outside again.  Adam will be wearing a shirt outside from now on...unless he for sure lets up put tons and tons of sunblock on him over and over...
I do not recommend anyone letting their child get a has been a long 2 weeks but I am very glad he is all better.  Even with Sunblock you can end up having a burn so make sure you have really good sunblock or just keep your shirt on.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11, 2010

Today Shannon and DJ took all 3 kids for the day...they got here at 9:20 ish this morning and just dropped them off at home at around 6...Jaymes and I had talked about what to do...and we decided that staying home and sleeping would be great but seemed like a waste of a day without children...So we decided to do begin with we had no idea where to go or what to do...
So we drove around town for a little bit and decided to go swimming at Quail Lake in Utah..Suggested by we got our swimming suits and went to Wal-Mart and bought 2 new towels, a sheet to lay out, some water and a snack for the car ride there...
We left and went to Glady's to get a few floatation devices that she had and then we decided that Quail Lake was unfamilar so we would go to Sand Hollow because we know that place.  So we got there and paid out $10 for the day and got changed into our swimming suits....then found a nice spot on the beach to set up our little area.  We had a cooler with water, and soda...and a nice spot to keep our feet cool when we were on the sand...We got into the water and it was soooo nice...
We decided to get our floatation devices and I tried to float on the bed like thing...but I didn't realize it needed to be blown up on the edges so I thought it was a terrible floaty...Jaymes fixed it for me and off I went...Just a floating and having fun...Jaymes and I traded floaties after a while and watched a guy catch 3 fish with in 15 was rather cool...We decided to head out and get food...but we had to stop at the showers to rinse off because of the chance of Swimmer's Itch...So we got all clean and went to Wal Mart to get Jaymes a new shirt because he wore his in the water...I also bought him new socks...then it was off to In n Out burger...It was soooo good...and then we drove was a nice drive home and relaxed for a while.  then the kids were brought home...

What a great day...We are ALL sunburnt except for Lydia...Adam and Kyle had fun in the pool at Nana and Papa D's...

All in all a wonderful day...oh yea we got pulled over for the tint on the car being too dark for big.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Independence Day

Well this last weekend, as we all know, was the Fouth of July...We had such fun with the family...We spent the morning here at home and then went to Nana and Papa D's house.
A few things we did at their house are
Eat great food!

Play in the pool.

And for some sleep..

We of course watched fireworks and set some of our own off..

What a wonderful Holiday..
Jaymes had Monday off so we just relaxed at home and prepared for the rest of the week...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Rest of June

Well June was a good month...since my last post not a lot has happened...we have gone to my husband's parents house often because they bought a new pool...and it is soo hot that we love the water to cool down...Also Eclipse premiered on the 30th...I went to the midnight movie with my girls and it was EpiC...I loved it...Can't wait for Breaking Dawn now. 

I also saw the trailer for Harry Potter 7 and those are going to be 2 great movies...


As for the kids..

Adam is such a big boy, be helps me with most things, but I think that he gets sick of it after a while...So he has selective hearing...On July 5th he will be going to the dentist to have his front teeth looked at...

Kyle is getting so big. He copies everything that Big Brother does and also helps mommy discipline is very funny...He has been having a problem with his sleeping schedule but things will get back to normal soon...

Lydia is growing like crazy...she is probably about 10 pounds now...she has had some colic behavior but I think that she is just growing and having pains...because when I massage her legs and feet she is better...

June is now over and we are onto bigger and better things...July has a few things in store for us. The Fourth is going ot be fun with food, family, fireworks and the pool. Adam will go to the dentist, Kyle will have to go see the eye doctor again and Lydia turns 2 months old. Other than that we will be having fun family times and normal everyday lives...