Friday, February 11, 2011

February lovin #1

February is always busy for us.  There are 2 birthdays and Valentines day all in a 2 day celebration.  Next week is that week so it will be crazy fun.  But I am not here to tell you about next week I am here to tell you about last week.  Well Sunday was Super Bowl and the kids and I watched the game together and rooted for Green Bay!   What a fun time.  Snacks and family fun.  Then Monday just the normal school day.  Then home to clean and hang out as a family.  Tuesday more school and family fun.  The rest of the week went by with out anything exciting happening.  Thursday our tax return came in and I went on a shopping spree for some clothes for little Lydia.  She is in size 12 months and we have very few of those.  Also got a shirt each for the boys and a toy.  Nothing too exciting.  Today, a little more shopping, and moving Mom's stuff into her new place.  So you see nothing too exciting.  but I like to update.  I have committed to it.  LOL.  Well here are some pics from the week and until next time.  Live Laugh Love

Adam being bored

Waiting his turn to learn golf

I look scary but This is a GREAT pic of Lydia

Kyle was thinking very hard.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Changes happening.

Well I started making Lydia a quilt.  Right now I am just stumped on in what order to put the awesome patches I made.  I think I will get it figured out tomorrow...  On top of that.  Mom got herself a nice 2 bedroom 2 bath CONDO...Ya no more studio for her.  She will be taking the twin bed for now and the big TV stand that is sitting in Lydia's room right now.  Then I can put another stand in Miss Lydia's room and get her room all ready to be painted and have new decor.  I will be starting the decor prep this next weekend and then the following weekend is when we will paint.  I know I am crazy to be doing all this and School...but you know what I NEED it...I feel like they need nice rooms that are decorated just for them.  I am going to get toy boxes, hopefully 2 new dressers and awesome stuff for the wall in each room.  The bunk beds are FANTASTIC and will be kept in the same place.  I will for sure take pics before, during and after the process.  I am so excited.
After the kid's rooms are all done I will move to paint the rest of the house.  I am getting a big bucket of paint because the whole house is the same color. (the red room will stay red).  It will be AWESOME!  Might take a week or 2 but it will all get done.  Feels like I need to do stuff. besides schoolwork.  SO the process begins. Pics and maybe a tutorial for the quilt to come when it is finished.  Happy times for our family!

Live Laugh Love

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Love month

It is February already!  can you believe it?  I am amazed at how fast this year is already going.  Things are busy around here.  With school, kids and everyday life there is never a dull moment. 
This month we will be getting things done.  On top of school work and everything I am planning a painting and decor change in the kid's rooms.  It is going to be FANTASTIC!  I am going to make Lydia's room so girlie it is not ever funny.  I think she will finally get some AWESOME pink sheets for her crib and I think the crib may be painted pink.  I will also either take the twin bed out or get pink sheets and blankets to make it a super nice addition to her room.  The boys will get posters and awesome Boy items on the wall.  I will for sure take pictures and post them.  I am going to try and update very often but our lives are not too exciting. 

I have lost a few pounds in my weight loss journey.  and my pants are starting to be too big.  Jaymes is getting nice muscles from work and the kids are all growing like little weeds.  Just the average month in the life of us. 

Can't wait to see what the rest of the month as planned for us.  As of now I am going to be taking a picture of a heart a day along with my Project 365.  and I will be focusing on school work more.   Our schedule is getting into place even better now so things are getting done.  Enjoy your week everyone and I will be back for a post on Sunday! 
I will leave you with a few pictures.

Lydia loves to Stand

Adam and Kyle at a car show

Swinging!  Adam loves it!

Love this action shot. Kyle loves the slide.

Live Laugh Love!